Main Conference Registration Fees

Please note that all fees are in South African Rand and are inclusive of VAT

Early Registration (On/Before 30 July 2018)

Non-Student Delegate: R4000

Student Delegate: R2 500

Late Registration (From 31st July - 20 August 2018)

Non-Student Delegate: R4500

Student Delegate: R3 000

The fees above include, for all delegates:

• two full days conferencing (Thursday and Friday), with two tea breaks and lunch per day;
• a conference dinner on the Thursday evening (23 August);
• a networking event (social function) on the Wednesday evening (22 August);
• an electronic copy of the conference proceedings.

Please Note

The conference fee does not include anything else, e.g. travel or accommodation.
The student rate is afforded to full-time, registered higher-education students only. The student must supply proof of registration to the conference organising committee in order to qualify for this special rate

Registration process

Please click on register to create a new account, or on login of you already have an account.
Then follow the options on the dashboard once logged in.